Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 97 - Building Your Reputation

​You can build a reputation as a speaker that gets bookings on your calendar every week.

When I started my speaking career I gave free speeches.

When I started my speaking career I gave free speeches.

I would find a group that would let me speak...and do everything I could to give them the best speech they ever heard.

And now more than 80% of my bookings come from referral and repeat business.

In this lesson you’ll learn that even if you have to start with free speeches…

You can create a demand for yourself.

If you structure the message of each speaking engagement to lead to the next...

Where the messages build upon each other…

You’ll always have a flow of clients and engagements to keep building your business.

And, while you are building up your contacts, you can still make a great living by selling any products you create.

One of the first steps to sell yourself as a speaker...is to be and live the message that you bring.

You want to be the up-to-date expert on the topic you speak about.

Always be developing.

Eat, breathe and live your craft.

Be the “go to” expert they need to book at their event.

Whether you reach out to a potential client through a video, audio, or from a referral...

Bring your energy into their world.

By creating the wow factor in everything you do, say, and produce…

You’ll become too good to be ignored.

See you next week.

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