Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 62 - Temporary Setbacks

Many of us eliminate possibilities for ourselves by giving up too early in the fight.

Our biggest challenge is to overcome self-defeating thoughts and to keep going.

When someone tells me that they tried to reach a goal, but couldn't I always ask, what was it that you weren't willing to handle?

In order to reach your dream, you have to be willing to do what is required.

I believe that if you're willing to do the work to devote the energy to explore every avenue, you can accomplish nearly anything you set out to do.

If you keep on coming back again and again, and if you are willing to ask for help, and to keep asking until you get it, then life will give you what you want.

Are you willing to burn the midnight oil, scrub floors, wash cars, work weekends, take on a second job, get there early and stay late to go back to school?

Most people who claim they couldn't reach their goals are people who in truth, weren't willing to do whatever it took to do it.

Most people take the easy route.

They look for something to justify why they haven't done what they wanted to do.

I believe that if you knock on the door of opportunity too long enough and hard enough, somebody is going to answer knowing that and feeling that throws the doors open for you.

You have to understand that you are always more powerful than the circumstances that surround you as long as you do not accept momentary defeats hard times or losses as a

permanent condition.

I think you have to take risks and challenge life in order to live fully.

Often that requires sacrifice.

In spite of all the legs that it has, the caterpillar cannot crawl fast enough to fly.

It has to give up those legs during its metamorphosis.

In order to fly, I was willing to give up the relative security of my speaking career in order to reach a greater audience in the risky arena of television.

If you spend your life clinging to what is comfortable and secure, you may one day regret not testing your talents against the world.

When you take shelter from life, you risk numbing yourself to it or even deadening your heart and mind.

You cannot allow hard times or misfortune to permanently disable you We have a choice to let fear and hard times dominate us, or we can allow ourselves to see them merely as temporary setbacks.

The person who welcomes change and continuous learning leaves a dynamic life, while those who back away from it or fear it are more likely to find themselves on the human scrapheap, you either expand or you become expendable.

See you next week

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