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This is the pre-launch version of the Prodigy 4.0 update that will go live inside the Hotmart platform on June 1. Until then, you can access all your content below. After June 1 you will be able to view this content in Hotmart's organized system and be able to interact with all the other Prodigies.

Choosing Your Future

The Power of Purpose

Bringing Out the Millionaire in You

Live Your Dreams

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 45 - Telling Stories

In this week’s lesson, I want to discuss the value of delivering a strategic message to your audience.

This is a time of the 3 C’s:

Accelerated CHANGE

Overwhelming COMPLEXITY


People in a global economy have to do more, do it faster and do it better.

When companies downsize, people are suddenly thrown into new roles and responsibilities.

They have to step up to the plate and pull on another level of leadership to do things they’ve

NEVER done before.

We’ll all know that there’s no such thing as job security.

Work morale drops.

That’s when you come in, as a speaker.

When you come before an audience, you must have 3 things in mind for your them:

Who you are?

What do you have?

Why should I care?

I want to encourage you to not let what you want to SAY get in the way of what the audience needs to HEAR.

You job is to DISTRACT them from their story…

Then, you have to DISPUTE their beliefs….

Finally, you must be able to INSPIRE them to make a change in their lives.

After a speech, sales and productivity MUST increase.

Otherwise, you haven’t done your job.

Allow yourself to connect with your audience on a RANGE of emotions.

Focus on who’s going to hear your message and give them some examples…

Allow them to see themselves on the other side.

Your story must help others to feel better about themselves and open them to NEW possibilities for their lives.

When you focus on the value that you can bring to your audience, you will listen to them, and you will be guided to where you should take your presentation.

As I mentioned in a previous lesson, your audience must feel as though you as speaking directly to THEM.

See you next week

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