Welcome, .

This is the pre-launch version of the Prodigy 4.0 update that will go live inside the Hotmart platform on June 1. Until then, you can access all your content below. After June 1 you will be able to view this content in Hotmart's organized system and be able to interact with all the other Prodigies.

Choosing Your Future

The Power of Purpose

Bringing Out the Millionaire in You

Live Your Dreams

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 7 - It's Hard - Part 1

Wherever you want to go in life...there is one thing we know. It’s going to challenge us.

In order to reach your dreams...it’s going to take commitment, dedication, and discipline.

It’s also going to take:

  • Drive
  • Faith
  • Guts

And...an appreciation for the fact that it’s hard.

I know that life has already thrown you some hard punches.

These punches have left you afraid to try...they wipe you out and take your spirit.

They leave you afraid to keep going towards your dreams.

But get ready...

Get ready right now to embrace the hard.

Because in this week’s lesson you’ll learn, greatness doesn’t come from taking the path of least


It takes courage to live.

The key is to learn to handle your hard like it’s no big deal.

How do you do that?

You need a plan...you need to determine ahead of time who can help you, what change to

make, and what is your back-up plan.

And even with all that...you’ll still make mistakes…

But mistakes don’t make you a failure...Oh no they don’t.

Mistakes are ok.

Mistakes are part of your growth.

Mistakes allow you to get resourceful and to know you have more in you than you realize.

But it takes time.

Like the Chinese Bamboo tree...that takes 4 years of nurturing underground and then grows 90

feet in 5 weeks.

As long as you keep the faith and the vision.

One day you’ll grow and reach higher than you ever imagined.

Now, let's talk about your dreams

How much time do you spend working on your dream?

A few minutes here and there?

A day when you feel like it?

Or every minute you have?

Because if you want to make your dreams happen…

...then it’s time to work hard.

In this week’s lesson, you have to decide right here, right now…

...that you are going to do everything that’s required to make your dreams a reality.

But to do that...you have to practice.

You have to challenge yourself....thinking, stretching, and researching what you need to be doing.

Be creative

Be flexible

Be an innovator.

Force yourself to get a breakthrough.

Force yourself to get a shift in your consciousness.

Because when it happens....ideas will start flying at you.

The right people will line up around you that can help and support your ideas and plans.

So when your opportunity comes...you are READY.

Along the way, you’ll have to modify and pivot.

Challenges will come up.

But, don’t let life intimidate you...don’t let it take your courage, deplete your energy.

At those times you need to dig deep...that you know you have everything you need to do this.

You have to admit to yourself that it’s going to be challenging, it’s going to be hard and it’s all ok.

The harder the challenge the greater the growth.

Face the fact it’s hard and go through with it.

Do what you got to do.

Because your life is at stake.

See you next week.

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Email our support team


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