Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 53 - Connecting to Your Greatness

Are you ready to manifest your greatness?

Changing the direction of your life and breaking dead-end habits can be tough.

It takes a concentrated, CONSISTENT effort to get to your breakthrough.

You’re going to need to PRACTICE with some patience before you can expect any results.

Only then, will you begin to develop the consciousness to be greater than you’ve ever been.

You see, I believe that you are UNSTOPPABLE.

There are 4 stages to getting the change you want.

It’s a cyclic process that I use in my own life.

The first one is SELF AWARENESS – taking personal inventory

Most people will not take the time to CHANGE themselves because it is too scary, too difficult.

It’s time to take a BRAVE, good look at your life.

Ask yourself: What has brought you here?

Did you achieve what you have set out to achieve?

Are there any deadweight people in your life you need to cut loose?

How many seminars or classes did you attend to improve your skillset?

What fear and beliefs are keeping you back?

Think about it…

Are you living your passion and your dream?

It’s CRUCIAL that you take ownership of where you are in life.

What gifts are you sitting on?

Many people allow the fear of what other people will think of them, to hold them back.

In order to manifest your greatness, you’ve got to get FOCUSED and DISCIPLINED.

You’ve got to be willing to take some chances.

Your greatness awaits…

Next week, we will deal with Self Acceptance, to find out why we get stuck and why we sabotage our dreams.

ACTION STEPS: What areas in your life do you need to let go of in order to grow?

See you next week

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