Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 80 - Staying Focused

Welcome to a higher level.

I've gotten to all kinds of speaking experiences and situations.

Work when you work on your message, you want to KNOW that message.

When making an appeal to an audience and there's a party going on next door and the music is blaring through the walls… some people won't be able to hear you because they’re listening to the music next door.

They’re tapping their fingers. But for those who are there for the real purpose of what the occasion is all about…. You’ll get your message across in spite of the noise because life is full of distractions.

Remember, people will remember the FEELING that you convey to them.

You are constantly shooting for greatness.

You must believe that greatness is possible.

What you want to get is excellence.

But your goal is to give great speeches.

Every time you come out the gate… Be realistic.

It's not going to always happen. We're not going to always be on “Yes”.

Avoid not giving your opinion -- don't do it.

Give your opinion in areas if you know it's consistent with the organization.

You’ve got to know the turf.

Without vision, you will perish.

Here's why you are there…You are there to speak to the agenda of the people who invited you.

The only reason that you're there to make the person who invited you to look good.

If you're speaking to a group on dealing with improving sales, customer service, to begin to expand as an organization, how to raise money, how to motivate their youth, there is no place for your political agenda…

Unless you're speaking to a political organization, and you know that your political opinion is in harmony with theirs.

No one pays you to come in to take a stand opposite them to insult them or their membership.

All I do is focus on helping people to get a larger vision of themselves.

That's what I dedicate my mind, my consciousness and all my energy.

You've got to develop yourself.

But if your personal acquisitions exceed development, you will find a way to sabotage yourself.

You can't hold it easily.

That's why so many people acquire millions and can't keep them because what they've acquired is not consistent with who they are.

Water seeks its own level.

So therefore, I implore you to work develop yourself that you can become the kind of person that can attract to your life experience and things that you want and most of all, you will be able to keep the next thing to reinforce that new change that transformation.

Surround yourself with people that think like you, people who are dreaming, people who are searching, people that are stretching, people who are growing people that won't move on in life.

See you next week

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