Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 85 - How to Deal with Your Nerves

The truth is, that nervous energy that you feel before giving a speech can be your best  friend.

I will give you a technique whereby you can turn nervousness into POSITIVE energy.

I will also show you how to prepare yourself mentally.

Find your power place when people see you on stage… they won't see that you are nervous… they will only see a charismatic, energized speaker.

I've also experienced stage fright.

I've gone up on stage, looked at an audience and I'll open my mouth feeling terrified.

Your heart is beating fast, and your chest gets tight, and your words just don't come out right…

Your voice goes up several octaves… but you do not stop. You keep on coming back again and again and again….

Until you find your power.

I've learned to take that nervous energy and use it to my advantage.

Capture the imagination of the audience.

You want to adequately prepare yourself.

Work to develop YOU.

Work on your attitude and your consciousness.

Listen to tapes every day, read books every day.

You want to be a well-read person.

Read a variety of things.

I can pull quotes and examples and anecdotes from a variety of places.

I'm an active listener.

You see, when you stand up and you know more than anybody in the room, it gives you confidence.

Now nervousness works for you. It’s nothing but emotion.

The emotional energy keeps you on the edge for all preparation.

Visualize and see yourself many times giving that speech in your mind's eye and then think about it.

Go through the motions.

See it… Experience the feeling of hearing the applause, see the people standing up before you got on the stage.

Every time, any thoughts of nervousness or disharmony, or negative thoughts of doubt come in, you dispel it by saying this affirmation: I am at One with the universe. All this well.

Talk with people in the audience. Get ideas from them to support what you have put together.

Talking with the audience allows you it gives you an advantage to get a feel for the people there gives you a level of familiarity allows you the cross over the bridge of strangeness.

It gives you a level of connectedness when you have a familiar relationship with somebody in the audience.

Call someone’s name…

“You know, Stephanie, when I was talking with you outside, and you were talking about how long you've been a member of this organization, you were telling about how why you admire the president, his determination and how the organization has grown under his leadership.

I really admired your enthusiasm and your commitment, the work that your group is doing and the key to it her when you have people are part of something that they are excited about.”

It affects people who are around them.

See when you're sold on something yourself, you'll become excited, and it affects everyone you know.

“Sharise, I’m glad you shared that with me.”

See the members of the audience now are going to really have a sense of identification with you because you know somebody in the audience and they're not going to be disrespectful to the

friend of someone in the audience.

Do you see what I'm saying?

As speakers as you read, you study.

You give speeches again and again and again.

You focus and concentrate on a particular area you have identified as your niche all kinds of things will show up for you.

I made it important to be able to quote quotes...

I read them over and over again.

I don't just memorize them. I feel them.

You want to practice with yourself… you want to be a person that is so into what you're talking about. That people will marvel at watching you.

Look, they're engaged because you're in it.

Believe it so much, but every fiber of your being they know you are this message you are this message. You are an experience to them.

There are some speeches that does not lend itself emotions.

I say to you, even with technical information, you can give technical information in an interesting way. Corporations are looking for people who can take an adult, uninteresting subject and make it interesting to everybody.

You can talk about it with no life with a straight face.

Or you can LIGHT it up…

Stop trying to find a way out.

You can say as an example, “I don't know about you… I know occasions in my life there are things I wanted to do. I was afraid, afraid that things would work out. I was afraid that I would fail. I was afraid that I wasn't good enough.”

So, when you start talking about some stuff, here's what's happening…

Number one: you share yourself and make yourself vulnerable.

Number two: they can identify with you.

They're going to feel it in your guts.

You're talking so once you have got them on your side, you can take them to another level.

You're talking about your own life experience. No one can take that from you.

You’ll make mistakes and blunders and guess what, you won't die, So what if they talk while you're up there, they go to sleep, or have a walk out?

You won't die. When you go up and you do it, you do it and do it and do it the better, you BECOME, and you'll feel good about yourself.

You'll live to tell it…

See you next week

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