Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 55 - Take a Decision

A lot of people never try anything differently…

Because they’ve been convinced by the opinions of others that they can’t do it.

Regardless, you’ve got an important DECISION to make.

Many people doubt themselves because someone important to them said,

You can’t do that!

I’ve been there.

I didn’t go to college because I was told that I wasn’t college material.

As you look at your life, ask yourself:

What would your life look like if you DECIDED not to care what people thought of you?

If you DECIDED to give up some of your fears?

If you DECIDED to be courageous?

Most people go through life not allowing themselves to face life’s whirling wind…

To have the courage to love and to be who they REALLY are…

They hang themselves up in trying to protect themselves from EVERY risk.

Well guess what…

You’ve got to start living with a sense of urgency because life is UNPREDICTABLE…

Courage means doing what feels right for you, in your HEART

The valiant never taste of death but ONCE.

Many people are dead… and have allowed their dreams to die.

Many take their talents to their graves because they don’t have the COURAGE to be who they are.

What are you waiting for?

What’s the benefit of you not living your dream?

What’s the benefit of not listening to yourself?

DECIDE today to ignore the voice of doubt.

Where your life is right now is not you…

There is NO LIMIT to what you can do.

It doesn’t matter how many flops you’ve had, or how much money you’ve lost.

As you begin to act on your dream, you will start to see things opening up for you.

Ideas will come to you from nowhere…

IF you stay focused.

ACTION STEPS: How can you embrace change in your life and use it as a catalyst for growth?

See you next week

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