Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 72 - You Deserve

I think that in order to find the courage to do the things you should take care of, look at the situation very closely, examine it, and then decide to take it on.

You’ve got to go right into the CENTER of it.

If you try and go around it, try and compromise, try and negotiate it -- it won't work.

You’ve got to take it, HEAD ON.

Now, you're going to feel some fear.

Just feel that fear and go on and confront it.

Anyway, that happens in a lot of situations.

I’ve had to discipline my second oldest son; you've got to get comfortable with that,

because at some point in time, because of their inexperience and lack of wisdom, you're going to tell them, they're going to have to do certain things.

There are certain disciplines and restrictions that they must learn to live with, and their

decisions that you're going to make. But they just don't have enough maturity to appreciate now. Later on, they will.

But right now, they won't be able to understand that and they're going to hate you for it.

And you got to have the courage to do what is right, in spite of that.

I used to have a tremendous inferiority complex about speaking before people that I felt

had more going for them than I did because I'm not college trained.

I used to feel that college people were the most intelligent people on the planet, and

there was nothing I had to say for them.

Why would they listen to me?

I had to visualize myself, speaking before them, speaking before various audiences that

had more going for them than I did, and appreciate my own value.

Part of the process is seeing yourself being WORTHY.

Here's something else I want you to look at in terms of fear.

Begin to know and accept yourself as the person to do what it is that you want to do.

Because what most people do is they hide out behind FEAR.

If you don't see yourself as DESERVING of what you want, you’ll use all kinds of

excuses to keep from venturing out into the real arena of life.

When you accept yourself, and you accept fear as a thought, that means that it's

something that happens -- it's something that you're going to experience, but it is not a force to hold you back.

It doesn't have any special power, other than that, that you give it.

You accept the fact that you're afraid and then you move on anyway.

See you next week

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