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This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 88 - Speaking From a Business Standpoint

As you go out and work with various truths and principles that enable people to get unstuck and transform their lives….

In many cases, you will literally save lives, really by what you say the spirit in the conviction of what you bring.

What makes a difference in that person's life is that we all have assignments.

And the more you do it, the better you'll get at it.

And you meet some fascinating people, some very beautiful people, people who you might prejudge, some of them you prejudge, you might be right on target.

Some of them, you prejudge… and you'll be off base.

It's best just to just talk to people.

As you talk to people, you'll discover a lot about yourself. You'll discover a lot about people.

And that's how you build your business.

Just go around.

Just talk to everybody and let everybody know what you're doing.

As you do that, as you put that out in the universe, you're selling yourself every day.

Your sense of worthiness increases, your confidence increases… you'll become better at it.

And you'll begin to clear things up, you’ll be able to share what you're doing more effectively.

You’ll start developing and leveraging relationships.

I met a person working in a room like this who after we met, she introduced another person and Jack Wilson to one of my tapes. He listened to it. He happened to have been the producer for the audio on PBS.

You’ve got to love yourself.

You got to really have a good time with YOU.

You're going to have some fun, you can still laugh at yourself.

You don't mind making mistakes and learning from your mistakes, meeting people, and developing relationships.

If you don't mind facing rejections again and again and again and being told NO…

If you don't mind those kinds of things, this is a great business for you to be involved in.

Because you learn a lot of stuff, a lot of things about people…human beings are very fascinating.

You will become fascinated with the type of person you become.

Your life will be enriched because you are enriching other people's lives.

Because what you give, is what you get.

And so, you'll learn a lot about people but most of all, you'll learn a lot about yourself.

The other thing that will really fascinate you about this that that I think that contributed to my success more than anything else. And that's the relationships that you develop along the way.


Most of the speaking engagements I get are people from people that I don't know.

I don't do any proactive marketing 99% of all my speaking engagements come from recommendations and people who know me, or people who've heard me speak or people that we've done training for repeat business and folk who said hey, great deal of them from speakers of the National Speakers Association, who say if you enjoyed me, I heard another speaker that I think that you enjoy as well.

And I think that the name of the game in life is that you want to help as many people as you possibly can. And through helping to promote and, and assist other people as you as you give, you know, give what you want. And that is, give support.

What will happen in the process is that what you give is what you get --you give support.

Continuous Growth

A lot of people stop growing.

Continuous Growth is very important.

And staying on purpose is important.

If it's just a little hobby and it's not serious to you, then you can operate like that.

But if you want to, you want to make a statement in the industry.

You want to do some fantastic things.

You've got to stay on purpose.

So that means working on yourself, taking the time out to develop yourself developing programs, doing needs assessments, finding out what is it that people are looking for listening to people talking to people, and putting programs together to meet those needs, reflecting what people are telling you.

You’ve got to be a good listener.

Find out what works and observe.

Experiment with yourself.

Find out what you can do, what you can't do, what are your shortcomings, how to become creative.

You got to be HUNGRY, how to keep the drive alive, knowing how to position yourself so that you're not a replica of what's out here.

A lot of people who've come in and invested a lot of money and lost a lot of money.

It doesn't take a lot of money... it does take a lot of work though, to work on yourself… a lot of effort and developing yourself.

You are the most important part… you are the most important variable.

And all of this as you do the things that are necessary to work on you and don't become discouraged during the rough times and they're going to be there during the disappointing time during the drought.

I am now working at becoming as good of a businessman.

I am a speaker. And that's been kind of challenging and frustrating.

But at least number one I know now that I can do it.

I did not think that I could, I had a very limited view of myself.

I mean simple things like checks, to pay your bills and things like that. I always had someone else to do that for me.

I never liked to write or to read things dealing with spreadsheets and numbers. I've always been intimidated by numbers and felt very uncomfortable with that.

And so, I'm growing.

I'm learning to do things that I don't find pleasurable and find taxing and realize I don't have to like it in order to do it.

And it's something that I have just got to teach myself to do because I find it unpleasant.

I teach people how to do things that you find unpleasant because you must do it.

So, I need to learn how to do that.

That's what the universe is demanding from me. And I think a lot of rewards for doing so.

It's going to be fun. This is good showing you the business part.

I enjoy teaching you how to speak and showing you techniques.

I do a lot of things that most people never do on stage.

But now, let me share this with you.

And I knew that there was a speaker in me, but it just took longer for me to get it.

But through working in practice on developing skills and then once things start happening, didn't even know that I could do and through reading and research.

I learned how to interview I can I've learned how to coach people to overcome their fears

quickly to how to use their voices more effectively.

I used to get hoarse when I spoke.

I can give three speeches a day, seven days a week.

I never lose my voice. I've never, ever not been able to speak because of hoarseness.

See if I can do it, anybody can do it.

I recommend that you make your life and business as a speaker. A great experiment and a great


Always practice and continue students speaking, every opportunity that you can get.

Try and learn all you can from other speakers.

Always strive for personal and professional self-mastery.

As you do this and use the points and techniques that I have given you in this program.

You're on your way to not just being a good speaker or an excellent speaker, but a speaker who

is manifesting on the level of greatness.

See you next week

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