Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 64 - Taking a Leap of Faith

As I packed to leave from my mother's home in Miami, it dawned on me that Mama and I had a relationship that went beyond even the love of the typical mother and son.

Mama was far more than my adopted mother.

She was my rescuer, my provider, the source of my perspective on the world, and the deep well, from which I drew spiritual strength.

She was a single woman who had a desire to have a family.

Even though her marriage had failed.

She simply knew she wanted to do it.

There is a saying, leap and the net will appear.

My mama lived like that.

And the nets did appear, the help, the resources, everything she needed to make it happen.

It came, although I don't know how.

But I think it had something to do with the fact that mama had a deep reserve of love and faith that guided her.

I've been coaching you on how to handle hard times in your job and in your personal life.

Now, I want to suggest to you that when hard times have had their lock on you for a while, the best thing you can do is to charge ahead with your life.

Rather than slowly ease back into your own life.

I recommend taking a leap and going after life with as much relentless energy as you can.

Don't settle for getting back into the old routine.

Change your life for the better make the leap.

We all suffer losses and defeats in life.

We all experience rejection… doors slammed in our faces, banks reject our loan applications.

Employers cut back and lock us out…divorce, downsizing, disasters and disappointments are part of life.

But if we hang on to that spirit, that determination that says it's not over till I win, the hard times will never get the best of us.

That kind of courage and resiliency.

That kind of unstoppable spirit is there within all of us.

But very few of us reach past the pain and disappointment to tap into it.

You can't spend your life tiptoeing around hard times and hurt.

You can't simply build a wall of pillars around you and settle for what is comfortable, average and ordinary.

How will you ever know that you have really live to your fullest potential?

You have to go after life and live it as if it owes you every minute.

See you next week

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