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This is the pre-launch version of the Prodigy 4.0 update that will go live inside the Hotmart platform on June 1. Until then, you can access all your content below. After June 1 you will be able to view this content in Hotmart's organized system and be able to interact with all the other Prodigies.

Choosing Your Future

The Power of Purpose

Bringing Out the Millionaire in You

Live Your Dreams

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 50 - Just Get Started

Use interesting stories to incorporate into your speeches.

My most embarrassing moment as a speaker happened at the National Speakers convention.

I was standing on stage, and I wanted to pay tribute to the founder of the National Speakers convention.

So I said I will leave tonight on a plane, a private plane and I want to just thank you Dick Cavett by making that possible.

People began to laugh, and I've pointed at him again and I want to say that had it not been for him, I would not be here.

Well, people were looking around and talking to each other.

And I'm asking myself, What are they talking about?

I completed the speech.

I left the stage to be carried off to my private jet.

And I felt so proud, and somebody said Les, his name is not Dick Cavett.

His name is Kevin Roberts. I said, Oh, my God. I was so crushed. That was so embarrassing.

And all of the speakers who were jealous of me and hated my success, oh, they just couldn't wait to eat me alive.

They told everybody throughout the industry.

I wasn't laughing. I cried.

In order to be a great speaker, you must have COURAGE.

Even when you make mistakes, you have come back power.

The antidote is… don't worry about making mistakes because you will make them absolutely… you just have to have a bad memory. 

I'm always nervous, and that's why I do my research.

That's why I go around and speak to the audience.

I'm saying there's two things that that you need to stand on.

Number one, you don't have to be great to get started.

You have to get started.

Number two, anything that's worth doing. Is worth doing badly.

So we've talked about the message and the themes and the actions that we want audiences to have as a result of what we do.

We've talked about how to develop content.

We've talked about reading using quotes, experimenting, putting humor, connecting audiences by having actions let's talk about specific techniques that are used in order to anchor a talk.

But to me, because I love this, I'm willing to stay up late, get up early.

I'm willing to read every day because I believe that I was born to do this.

Get started today.

See you next week

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