Welcome, .

This is the pre-launch version of the Prodigy 4.0 update that will go live inside the Hotmart platform on June 1. Until then, you can access all your content below. After June 1 you will be able to view this content in Hotmart's organized system and be able to interact with all the other Prodigies.

Choosing Your Future

The Power of Purpose

Bringing Out the Millionaire in You

Live Your Dreams

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 25 - The of Purpose (Bonus)

Have you ever thought “I have no idea how I’m going to pull this off.”?

I’ve been there many times myself.

I lost a car, a house, and my lights were turned off.

Challenges, issues, and rock bottom will happen at different points in life.

But what does it really mean?


In this week’s lesson you’ll learn these are just temporary inconveniences.

It’s a part of the journey and process we all go through.

Stay focused on your goal, keep your energy positive, and always look for ways to reach your goals.

And then release it...

By some universal intervention it will seem that supernatural results will appear.

If you are not producing the income you want, stop looking outside yourself and instead look in.

When we focus our thoughts and actions on our goals...and never stop...

Try and try again...with commitment.

You become unstoppable.

Are you being as unstoppable as you could be?

Realize that everything that exists in life, came out of someone’s consciousness.

Once you make the commitment...any challenges become stepping stones.

See you next week.

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