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This is the pre-launch version of the Prodigy 4.0 update that will go live inside the Hotmart platform on June 1. Until then, you can access all your content below. After June 1 you will be able to view this content in Hotmart's organized system and be able to interact with all the other Prodigies.

Choosing Your Future

The Power of Purpose

Bringing Out the Millionaire in You

Live Your Dreams

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 21 - Self-Commitment - Part 1

Commitment shows up in your life through action.

You can tell the difference between people who are committed to their life and the people who don’t feel worthy.

The people who are committed are busy doing it.

The people who don’t feel worthy don’t want the responsibility.

Their vision of themselves says “you can’t have that”...

So they find reasons to prove why they can’t have their dream.

In this week’s lesson you’ll learn that all of us are committed to something.

You can tell what you are committed to by how you spend your time.

Because commitment shows up in what you do.

But some people are committed to mediocrity instead of being committed to greatness.

You have the power available to honor your commitments and your greatness by…

  • Making it a priority
  • Finding 1 action step to move to your goal.
  • Having friends that will hold you accountable.
  • Creating a backup plan, be creative in keeping your word.

Once you create that commitment to greatness and say no to mediocrity…

Is when the universe responds and bends your external world to help you.

See you next week.

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