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This is the pre-launch version of the Prodigy 4.0 update that will go live inside the Hotmart platform on June 1. Until then, you can access all your content below. After June 1 you will be able to view this content in Hotmart's organized system and be able to interact with all the other Prodigies.

Choosing Your Future

The Power of Purpose

Bringing Out the Millionaire in You

Live Your Dreams

Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 36 - Who’s Holding You Accountable?

I want to thank you so much for just being a part of this series.

And now let's look at the next step.

Not only you must be developing a winner's mindset on an ongoing process, but

always challenge yourself.

We have to tame our mind so that our mind can serve us rather than our serving our mind.

And then continue that process of reading and developing ourselves, raising the bar,

reinventing ourselves.

So it's so very important that the mindset we must maintain and give up in order to give birth to

who we are.

I started on the way to my goal at the library, which is still the cheapest and best source of

information in the world.

What are your goals for your career, for your relationships, and for your spiritual life?

Develop a schedule.

Write it all out.

Let’s take one of the common goals - you want to make more money.

If that is your goal, then take some practical steps toward realizing it.

First of all, determine specifically how much money you want to make, then double that amount

and make that your goal.

You always have to factor in a failure along the way, so it’s better to aim higher.

Secondly, decide the amount of energy you are willing to expend to reach your goal.

How many hours are you willing to work a day?

A third step in this process is to develop a practical plan of action and get started immediately.

Chart out where you want to be in relation to your goal in the next month, six months a year,

five years and 10 years.

Get started today.

And finally, make sure that you have all of this written down so that you can review it every morning and every night.

So, as you look at yourself, look at those.

The next step is very important in developing your mindset.

Not only is it important for you to reinvent yourself, the next step and this is very, very important.

A lot of people neglect that is to want to establish accountability partners.

When people talk about excellence, anybody can perform at the level of excellence through

observation and practice.

But when you're pursuing your greatness, you don't know what your limits are.

And you've got to upgrade your relationships if you really want to get into your greatness,

because many people are just totally ignorant of a new term that's in psychiatry, called

‘relational illness’.

There are some people who are NOT good for you.

Their consciousness, their values, who they are, how they show up in life are not good for you. If you're around the wrong person, they can turn your hair gray overnight.

Let me share something with you.

I have a friend, who every year that she was married, she had to have some kind of surgery was toxic marriage or a husband watch.

So, you need accountability partners -- a team of people with you, who have the same passion

and energy and drive and who are excited about life and ready to take life on.

See you next week

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