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This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 86 - Q & A

In this lesson, we will continue with the question-and-answer sessions, which occurred during live speaking for living seminars, which I conducted across the United States.

Q: Do you have any tips on how to effectively mix spontaneity with specific subject matter that you may or may not be familiar with in a speech so as not to have any of the audience fall asleep?

Any techniques on it?

A: Well, here's what I believe… the more you do this, all of that will come to you naturally, when it be spontaneous. When you see an audience nodding, when you see somebody going to sleep, when you feel the energy has changed in the room, you will you it will come to you what to do, and that comes through doing it and doing it and doing it and practice and observation, learned various techniques, how to bring an audience in.

When you tell stories in your speeches, I suggest you tell any heavy stories, anything that deals with tragedy, anything that's depressing, at the beginning of the speech as close as possible.

Then do an opening, do something else over here, but like 1/3 of the way in the speech, or 1/4 of the way, get in there quick so that you have time to bring the audience back up.

Q: I use people like Viktor Frankl, and there are a few that are very popular. Jim Rohn and I know some speakers will quote other very well-known speakers word for word and they do not give him credit. What is the potential problem there in terms of the legal ramifications?

A: I don't know that there's any legal problem and you can ask the attorney… but I tried to quote people as often as I can, anytime when you're on a run, if you don't remember the person's name well if you don't give them credit, then I suggest keep on going don't back up. Think of it like this… if you say it three times it belongs to you.

Q: I often present with another person… she punctuates her personal life a lot -- talking about her children and her mother, etc. It annoys me because I think it happens too much. How do you kind of get into the field?

A: You got to know what';s enough. Here's what's on everybody's forehead, when you go out to talk to an audience: What's in this for me?

If I want to hear about your children, this is something in it for them. When I talk about one of my children and say I had a problem with my son, Patrick, as I mentioned on tapes before, and here's what the encounter was, there are people who can identify with that. I never talk about, you know, things that any story that I made mention, and I always say this… don't tell a story for the sake of telling a story or mentioned something for the sake of mentioning, make sure you got a point to make with that story.

Q: During your mini speeches over the years have you encountered disruptive audiences are hecklers crowded? So how did you handle it?

A: Yes. When you have distractions in an audience here is what is very important. Number one don't lose your composure.

Don't get angry. Don't argue with people don't tell them to shut up. You’ve got to learn to be graceful, in an graceful situation and the audience will turn on them. Always keep the highroad. And here's something else…

NEVER tell jokes to your audience after a happy hour of alcohol.

I don't tell jokes to people that drink, and I don't tell jokes to kids.

I have a very serious tone, and at the end, I will have some humor in there.

And if they're a very disciplined group of kids, I will tell the disc jockey story.

But I go in there and I sit and I listen to the buzz of the audience.

Q: When you're talking to kids. You were saying earlier to someone's question an ideal timing. If one can design it themselves, it would take between I guess 20 to 30 minutes. And how do you make certain that you're aware of that?

A: Okay, I put when I timed myself, I put the clock I put my watch on the podium and I'm watching it and I glanced up so I have my own watch.

What I said in the beginning, was that one you don't get in life what you WANT… you get in life what you ARE.

You must work to develop yourself to what I also dealt with the fact that you must have strategic planning for the goals that you want to leave to achieve.

if you're speaking to young people or speaking to adults, it's the same process.

If you're talking to a sales organization, they're talking about increasing their sales, or you're talking to people about customer service, improving the quality of customer service, you're talking about answering the telephone with a warm and friendly voice.

You're talking about getting people to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace that is going to require that if you're going to have teamwork that people have got to communicate in order for them to communicate, they're going to have to begin to talk and get to know each other differently than in a job context.

In order to have a team they must communicate, develop reform, develop trust and develop a relationship.

Here's how you can renew your thinking and retrain your thoughts and begin to get a larger vision of yourself so you can produce more and achieve more:

One, read books, read books that inspire you, that empower you and make you feel good about yourself, where you can say if he could do it, I could do it.

Second thing is: LISTEN.

Faith comes by hearing…as you're listening to the tapes every day when you get up in the morning, you're driving, as you're getting dressed when you first wake up in the morning, that’s when the subconscious mind is most impressionable.

That's how we get our messages: through hearing.

The next thing is you want to write your goals down and read them every day.

Because whenever you focus on whatever you hold in consciousness, tends to manifest itself.

As I speak to you, I'm confirming what you're believing and thinking and been saying to yourself for years.

If you have a serious commitment, reach your dreams, and you can listen to them every day.

And when other people are thinking negatively, you've got something to remind you that you've got greatness within you.

See you next week

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