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This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 69 - Practice Makes Improvement

Most of us go through life pretending that we're satisfied and that everything is okay.

We pretend that that we don't have any special goals or ambitions or desires.

When deep down inside, we DO really want more.

A lot of people pretend that they want more out of life.

But all you have to do is watch their actions -- that will tell you something.

People tell you "Oh, yeah, one day I want to have a restaurant."

See, they're pretending they want to go into business for themselves.

They're not serious.

The proof is in the pudding.

So, if you want to do something, if you've thought about something you want to do, take it head on.

DECIDE that you're going to start looking at it.

Start doing research on it, start tackling it, start becoming involved in whatever and wherever it might lead you to begin to explore the possibilities in that particular thing that you're seeking.

So that you can begin to learn all you can about it, decide that you're going to face it that whatever shortcoming you have, that you're going to strengthen yourself there.

Decide that you’re going to get the necessary training.

But you're going to get started right NOW.

Don't get satisfied with yourself.

Always know that wherever you are, you can enjoy more, and that you deserve MORE.

But most people go through life quietly and safely tiptoeing into an early grave.

Find out what it is you want and go after it as if your life depends on it.


Because it does.

People who have found their passion and have found the things that they love--- people that

have found the things that they can pour their lives into--- those people live longer.

I think that people should look for ways to increase their value in life.

If you're working on a job, find ways in which you can make yourself INDISPENSABLE.

When I became involved in broadcasting, I didn’t only become a top-rated disc jockey.

I learned everything I could about production, how to write and produce commercials, and how to edit.

I learned everything I could about being the news director.

Begin to move toward optimizing the efficiency of operations, to increase profit margins, as well as to increase and improve the quality of the service that you want to provide for the public or for the world, as we are now in this global economy.

Now, in order to do that, it's important that you learn everything you can about that what you're doing, because most people won't do that.

Now what is it that you must do to begin to discover and to reach and to tap that greatness?

Well, it takes practice.

A lot of people believe that practice makes perfect.

No, it does not.

Practice makes improvement.

The more you do, the more you realize you CAN do.

And the better you are, the better you realize that you CAN become.

People who expect to make it-- people who expect to become successful in life-- a student who expects to graduate, you don't have to tell them to do their homework, to go to the library to go to class, an athlete that expects to be great, you don't have to tell him not to smoke or to get as rest or not to drink, or to practice.

Whitney Young said, "It's better to be prepared for an opportunity to not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared"; I did not wait until I got fortune 500 clients to develop a fortune 500 professional approach and consciousness to that client base.

I developed myself, then I knew that at some point in time, I was going to be up there with the big guys.

That approach accelerated my growth and explosion in the speaking industry.

And that can apply to ANYONE.

Set high standards for what you do.

Most people don't have high standards.

See you next week

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