Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 60 - Creating Action

You must be willing to COMMIT yourself to achieving your greatness.

When we commit ourselves, we can create miracles.

When are involved in the process of creation, your mind will try to convince you that you can’t do certain things…

However, when you reinforce your mind with pictures and affirmations, you will develop the consciousness necessary to reach your goals.

Focus on yourself.

We started off with becoming more self-aware.

Then, we went to the next level of self-approval.

Most people get stuck here because they don’t feel worthy…

Once you begin to increase your sense of worthiness, it drives you to a new level of commitment.

Commitment shows up in your life through ACTION.

There will always be a reason WHY things don’t happen, but they don’t count.

You are either committed to mediocrity or committed to GREATNESS.

How you spend your time, tells me WHO you really are.

People will tell you that they want change and improvement, but all you have to do is watch WHAT they do…

You can make the commitment to do something about the things you don’t love about your life.

You can create a brand-new life by deciding that you want something DIFFERENT for yourself.

Why are people frightened by commitment?

Because it means that they have to DELIVER.

There’s no such thing as ‘try’…

You either DO or you DON’T.

When you are committed, NO excuse is acceptable

When you don’t keep your commitments, it depletes your self esteem and erodes your self-image.

Then, you begin to develop weak relationships with people.

People realize that they can’t rely on you.

If you want to manifest your greatness, I want you to commit yourself to live in the present.

Forget the past…

It’s important to free yourself from various things in your life that are BLOCKING you.

LET GO of the hate, anger, guilt and resentment.

Get into the mindset of forgiveness, so that you can move on with your life.

ACTION STEPS: When faced with hard truths, do you tend to avoid or embrace them?

How can you adopt a more objective perspective and use these truths to grow?​

See you next week

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