Welcome, .

This is the second year of the Prodigy Program.

4 Stages of Greatness

It's Not Over Until You Win

The Courage to Live Your Dreams

Increasing Your Presentation Power

Speaking Your Way to Unlimited Wealth

High School Speech

Dig Deeper and Go Further

So You Want to Speak

Lesson 68 - Thinking About Your Future

I read an article once about the right ingredient.

And I think that anyone who has ever done anything in life of any special significance…

When you look at major corporations, there's always a person behind the scenes -- that second

person in command, who can be or make all the difference, the difference between being successful and failing.

And so, I think it's very important that you be able to give what I call ‘a home court advantage’ in life.

Sports studies indicate that when a team is on the road, they usually lose more than when they're at home.

And the reason that they win at home is because they have people there rooting for them.

They are more confident they feel more comfortable.

They have people saying, "Hey, you can do it," even when they're down by points, those people are cheering them on.

And it gives them a certain adrenaline flow…

It gives them a certain level of competency or extra thrust, where they go beyond where they ordinarily would go if they're in hostile territory.

Thus, it's very important that you see the value of aligning yourself with what I call ‘OQP’ -- only quality people.

By assembling a team that has been handpicked by you, people that can be an asset to you, you can give yourself an extra winner's edge.

It’s important that when people are with you, they see where you're going.

Not only must they share your vision, but they must see how they FIT in the vision.

Because in order to manifest the results that you want, it's going to take A LOT of energy.

And you want people who will stand with you.

You can't do it by yourself.

I know a lot of people never ever acted on their dreams or their ideas because people around them said to them, "I don't think you should do that"

They did not venture out on their ideas because someone they highly respected, did not approve of the idea.

I have in my life, some trusted critics, people who will tell me some stuff that I need to hear, not what I want to hear-- people who challenge me.

These are the people who make you stretch mentally, intellectually, personally and spiritually.

And these people will tell you some stuff that you just won't get anywhere else.

As you look toward the future, if you decided, "I'm not going to allow my fears to stop me"

What would your life be like?

What would your future be like?

See you next week

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